Fact #1. You let your emotions get you into this. You wanted to get your new baby a home to live in and you found a model that was gorgeous and you saw yourself there.
Fact #2. You state that you can afford the home. Not a bad place to be in since most people in SD cannot afford $4500 month.
Fact #3. 4S Ranch is a great area. Never heard of this made up nickname 4closure Ranch so don’t listen to that person. Lot of homes went up there from $800-1 million in the same square foot range that you bought so if anyone has to worry it is those buyers not yours.
I agree that 4S is going downin price but so is ALL of San Diego. In reality your price of $700k would ahve fetched over $900 2 years ago so in essence you are paying 20% less. You will probably stay level over the next few years. It is those that paid $900 that will suffer when they sell.
Now abse your decision on money. Can you afford it? Yes? Then go ahead and enjoy your life.
There are a lot of smart people on this site and a lot of cynics. Choose your poison.
If you base your life decisions on a blog site then you have worse problems to deal with.