ohh dear.. I hope 23109VC doesn’t see this.. this all he needs to see to send him off into yet another state of massive confusion for another few weeks and many posts here to follow… geezzzeeee …. j/k 23109VC
Newguy.. congrats on your purchase, as long as you plan on staying here for a while, this will probably be OK. I really like the fact that you are putting 20% down. I realize that the builders are slashing prices, and the deal you have seems pretty good, relatively speaking. I also live in Harveston, since 6-2005, and it is a mostly nice place to live. I live in the plan 1 (single story) of Prescott, but not in Prescott, and that is a great floorplan too. I currently rent, and am not ready to jump into buying yet. I personally feel that this area has a long ways to go down, and the area itself poses higher risks (real estate market) than some other cities in socal. I definitely don’t need over 3000 sqft of home, nor would I like to heat and cool a home of that size (esp. 2 story), but I might jump back in if I can get a decent 2500sqft single story for about $325k or so. The supply of homes keeps climbing here, and this IS just the first of the price cuts.
I would consider buying in Harveston if..
A. the taxes weren’t so damned high, or B.. housing was much cheaper, and C.. the lots weren’t so small.
That being said, good luck! and enjoy your new home and community! Thanks for sharing your story with us, especially considering the nature of this site!