[quote=scaredycat]uh, more chidcare is ‘troublesome”?
got kids? ever struggled to try to find a freaking place to put em?
Ive raised a bunch of them, had good income, and there were patches of sheer crazed desperation trying to patch together a plan for making sure they were all cared for w/ no SAHM.
anybody who criticizes greate raccess to day care is IMHO not in touch with the reality of life in this no-family-support, overworked, crazy society.
even now when they’re big, schools let out at what, 2:30? what si the freaking plan/ where are all these kids to go? statsitically there’s gonna be problems.
it’s a constant source of worry and anxiety.
youc an say, then, well don’t have kids.
good point.
but kids are here. and SAHM situation not viable at all times for all families
so what’s the plan????
more better day care….[/quote]
This ^^^
I’m in favor of lengthening the school day, shortening the vaction time, and lowering the start age, all while making the ciriculum more challenging. As it stands we’re turning into a nation of academic under achievers.
Education is the one area that I have no problem with having my tax dollars spent. I’m in favor of introducing more math, science and engineering at a far younger age. Wait, how about at all! The science classes that were available to me were very basic at best, engineering, what’s that?
Oh, and the probably the most important subject of all, personal financial management. That little bit of knowledge that I now posses, I gathered on my own by trial and error, the few savy people in my life and forums like this. That jsut shouldn’t be.