The IPCC report is thousands of pages long, represents 5+years of work and represents the combined knowledge of thousands of cited climate scientists as collated and distilled by the 20+ lead coordinators of the report. It represents tens of thousands of man-hours of debate and correspondance between the climate community as a whole.
The open letter you cite is a one page document by 60 individuals, many of whom are no longer active (emeritus), and many of whom aren’t climate scientists, and many of whom aren’t even scientists (economists).
You pretend to know more about climate and atmospheric physics than the vast majority of climate professionals who are telling you there is a problem. These are professionals who back up their theories with data. Instead you quote “facts” from sources that are obviously biased, who clearly misrepresent even the most rudimentary scientific evidence ( You imply that there is an inherent tendency among climate scientists to misrepresent or fake data to protect their funding sources (despite the fact that academic scientists are sumarilly fired, lose their careers when it is shown that they have faked or misrepresented data). Industry-funded “science,” on the other hand, has a long track record of faking and misrepresenting data, resulting in significant harm to society. Tobacco Science (nuff said). (BTW, I think Tobacco execs should be charged with murder.)
I am not trying to convince you. Giving you an education in climate science would take me weeks, and I’m not convinced you are sincere in your desire to know the truth. I am just trying to counter the misinformation you are putting out. What you are doing is putting the rest of us in danger, by continually repeating the misrepresentations and falsehoods of corporations trying to protect their profits at all costs. Climate change is happening, humans are almost certainly to blame, and there almost certainly will be hard consequences if we don’t start dealing with it soon. While you twiddle and try to convince others that the tide is not coming in, the tide is coming in nonetheless.