For every fact in that segment a fact can be found against it. Just one part of it regarded their “fact” that with socialized care medical technology would come to a stand still. France has socialized medicine, the Swiss have socialized medicine and they have discovered nothing since that all went in to effect?
Just because there s socialized medicine doesn’t mean we won’t have privately funded research.
Gratzer says “People line up for care. Some of them die. That’s what happens”. This does not happen in the US? With our current system no one forgoes treatment due to cost or unavailability of services? will you really argue that?
There was the woman who came to America for a blocked artery. How about this Canadian who blogged about their entire open heart surgery journey from the diagnosis to the actual surgery. Didn’t sound like an enjoyable experience, but it wasn’t because they were Canadian.
Based from wikipedia 15 people died while waiting for heart surgery in canada last year. Sounds bad. Well 20,000 die every year in America from lack of insurance. You think maybe 15 of them had heart problems?
Based on this piece Canada is also leading the way in heart valve replacement surgery
news-medical dot net /news/2007/10/22/31476.aspx
Also, due to rising cost more and more Americans are going overseas for care to places like India and heart surgery is one of the biggest ones as people with preexisting conditions have been booted off their insurance and now that have to pay out of pocket. What does that say for our system when people would rather go to a third world country for treatment than our own US system.
Sadly, Stossel never talked about lowering cost I only heard him say that profit based medicine is a good thing.
Why do we pay more than England for prescriptions? Are they getting a substandard medicine?
Another fact. The US will not be have socialized medicine. Democrats just want a public option. Opponents say that employers will drop their workers causing an evenual socialized society. You think that if this happens at alarming speed that perhaps Insurance companies might drop their premiums a bit?