Aecitia, as a longtime confidant, there is a limit to what you may reveal, yes it is true, my upbringing included peasant religions. Yes, the nuns did teach me to play poker, but i’ll also blame the imbibing on them since my first exposure to the drink was also courtesy of the sisters.
Talk about a thread hijack, how did this end up a psychoanalysis of me, complete with childhood flashbacks of somewhat inappropriate incidents. Did it ever occur to you that there may be a reason I covet my wine, perhaps it’s medicinal.
Allan, I’ll drop jagerbombs with you anytime, you are 15 minutes away, send me a message and invite yourself over on some random football sunday, when do the chargers play the raiders? Aecitia has yet to visit the new pad, lets make it happen, but not in mexico, it’s safer in iraq these days.