It appears that the most important thought is not getting through to some.
When you look at a situation and observe ten categories of participants, who have all done wrong, you should not spend your time and mental energy addressing the actions of the minor players. Without the wrong-doing of the financial institutions and the inaction (some would say collusion) of the government and appointed regulators, dishonest borrowers would have zero impact on your life and finances.
The time and mental energy spent addressing the sins of the little players would be better spent addressing the sins of the big players, who were and are taking every opportunity to defraud investors and/or loot the U. S. Treasury, effectively stealing from you and I, the taxpayers. That is the undeserved gain to focus on, not the fact that some upside-down borrowers are failing to repay their loans, or benefitting from a free-rent situation.
Worry less about the borrowers, and more about the big picture. If the primary perpetrators are not reined in, they will continue causing further great harm.