Thanks Heavyduty for getting us back to the original topic. Regarding your suggested strategy,
“When ‘Mr. Average Joe’ says that R.E. is a bad investment – then it’s time to buy,”
I’m not so sure. It seems a lot of folks are skeptical of the market as it stands now. Are you suggesting now may be a good time to buy, then? If I thought the market were going to decline another 3% to 5%, I probably would. I could handle small short term losses, but according to Rich’s November articles in the Voice, we could be headed for a major drop still. Especially if we’re going to see a market decline similar to what we saw in the 90’s, say, another 10% to 15% drop in prices. That would be tough to stomach.
Rich, let me kow if I misunderstood your comparison to the 90’s market.