One thing about Texas that’s bad are fire ants. Also Cockroaches, are quite common. In our last home (rented) before moving back to Northeast Ohio, we had a racoon problem in the attic. The owners were absentee and our property manager tried to be helpful, but it seems they would find their way back.
I figured out that Raccoons and Cats have a mutual non-aggression pact. One night I was just pissed off at listening to the damn thing (which scared my son), so I brought my big-ass Tom into the garage with me, opened the door to the attic and cracked open a can of tuna. The cat was eating the tuna, looked up at the coon, didn’t flinch and kept right on eating. Knowing the tools a Raccoon has, I was surprised it didn’t tear into the cat. Anyway, I hit the little bastard with my 9 iron, (it was creeping down the stairs slowly) but not flush enough to really hurt it.