Maybe this is the one guy who’s telling the truth.
Maybe the entire NORAD chain of command has been lying for five years. Maybe a team of demolitions experts planted explosives in three skyscrapers – entering the buildings at night, drilling holes in the walls, planting explosives, and replastering the walls, all without any night watchmen noticing them coming or going, for weeks – and all the demolitions guys have kept quiet too. Or maybe the night watchmen were in on the plan, and they all kept their mouths shut. Or maybe the demolitions work was carried out in broad daylight, and thousands of workers, dozens or hundreds of demolitions experts, the top ranks of the military, and the federal government all worked together to murder thousands of people to start a war, and the only person willing to reveal his knowledge is Sgt Lauro Sanchez.
Me, I think it was the ghosts of Indians pissed that the Dutch bought their island.