BTW: Conveniently inaccurate
Submitted by flu on June 13, 2009 – 11:59am.
Welcome to Alabama 2009
Welcome to Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama, LLC (HMMA), Hyundai’s first assembly and manufacturing plant in the United States……..
And that Hyundai plant was subsidized by taxpayer’s money (corporate welfare for the Koreans now) and pays some of the lowest wages in the industry.
When and where do we draw the line ? When we have no industry left in the USA ?
I’m all for free enterprise but do we have to hand over all manufacturing to our world competitors on a silver platter ? Where’s the outrage ?
Taken From the Associated Press 01/31/09:
“In an interview with The New York Times, Bruce Springsteen says he shouldn’t have made a deal with Wal-Mart. This month, the store started exclusively selling a Springsteen greatest-hits CD.”
“Some fans were critical because Springsteen has been a longtime supporter of worker’s rights, and Wal-Mart has faced criticism for its labor practices. Springsteen’s team didn’t vet the issue as closely as it should have, and that he “dropped the ball on it,” he told the Times………”.
Springsteen went on to say: “It was a mistake. Our batting average is usually very good, but we missed that one. Fans will call you on that stuff, as it should be.”
Jeff Bridges should take a cue from Springsteen and junk the Hyundai ( HIE-YUN-DIE ) gig.