Live your lifestyle that also allows you to retire and not have to live in a van down by the river. So many young people are not preparing for their old age. I work with a guy that told me the other day he will just have to work until he falls over dead. He didn’t prepare enough when he was younger. He’s 55 now. He had a major setback about eight years ago, getting laid off from a job he’d worked at for fifteen years. The company laid him off and then offered him his job back at $20k less per year. He looked for other work, but couldn’t find much. Anyway, he finally got back into a good job, but had used up savings to stay afloat in the tight years. And he lost a lot in the market a few years back. Anyway, scary picture. Most people don’t think that they will get laid off, get sick or anything. They aren’t planning for those things. Just paying for the Porsche, the house, vacations…..