The human race has survived a lot of tough things and we’re gonna survive this no problem. We might not dress as well and we might smell worse but we’ll still laugh and have parties and weddings and get drunk.
Of course the human race will survive. I never argued otherwise in my post. Life is just going to change monumentally. Hundreds of lawyers and support staff being laid off – along with 600,000 other people each month – is part of that monumental change.
But rather than pick dandelions from the side of the road along with the starving hoards you mention, why are you making fun of the dried food I have packed away? Seems to me that freeze dried lasagna would be more tasty than dandelion sandwich with a side of daisys. But hey, I’m no chef.
As for gold: the goal is to use that to buy real things before we reach the “Mad Max” scenario you describe above. This crisis is emerging in stages, Borat. Do you seriously think we’re going to go from Dow 7,000 to Mad Max in a week? If you prefer to rely on a dollar that is rapidly losing value to purchase your real goods, then more power to you. And good luck with that when Obama passes his next trillion dollar stimulus package.