[quote=Allan from Fallbrook]Are we so socialized as to have lost that spark of revolution? Or not? If it is the latter, then TPTB had better watch out. Last time I checked, when Americans are roused to righteous fury, you better watch the fuck out.[/quote]
I suspect, Allan, that we have not lost that spark. And I also suspect that the spark is going to be ignited worldwide. What is coming won’t be limited to the United States. We are about to witness a global revolution.
But it won’t happen overnight. Most people will need to suffer more before they come to terms with the need for systemic change.
It’s funny, when I have casually mentioned the concept of revolution to friends over the past year, they become instantly terrified of the prospect. There is a curious form of Stockholm Syndrome occurring. On one hand, they complain incessantly about the fact that they are losing ground, are being hammered by taxes, can’t afford a house or are stuck with a house that’s underwater, and that the primary political parties are now a complete joke. But on the other hand, when I mention the idea of revolution or systemic change that may genuinely benefit them, they instantly recoil: “Well, that sounds kind of scary,” they usually say. WTF?? Living as a slave or a frog in a pot slowly being boiled to death – that’s not scary??
That said, I agree with you that we have reached an inflection point. Something is changing. People are beginning to feel that they have little to lose. And nothing is more frightening to the Powers that Be than millions of angry people who literally have nothing to lose.
Wait until we have food or gas shortages or bank holidays. Right now, the majority of people are moving in a quasi-comfortable state through life as the world around them slowly crumbles along the edges. But sooner or later, the very foundation they stand on will start to give way. And then we will see the spark.