“Where would you go? I just wanted some opinions on this site. What city and state would you head to, or country?”
In the event our resources are inadequate for real retirement 10-12 years from now, we would consider relocating to the pacific coast of Nicaragua. Physically it is very similar to Costa Rica but has not yet been overrun with expensive developments for the second house crowd. San Juan del Sur is delightful:
Locally grown foods and free range cattle are abundant slightly inland. When I last looked into this (2005) Nicaragua had the lowest delinquency rates (CR not excluded) in all of Central America. Nice people too – its like a throw back to a simpler time.
Incidentally (since this is a RE site) when my little old lady and I visited in 2005 there was a full blown realestate mania in progress. We ended up buying three different building lots for a total of 45K. We were told two years later that they were now worth 100K. Now we suspect we couldn’t get what we paid for them. One lot is very near Popooyo on a shrimp and wildlife filled lagoon (estero) right where the lagoon opens drains out onto the beach. Looks like something right out of a adventure travel brochure.