And if you think you’re ‘success’ means anything, you should read the book Fooled By Randomness. For every ‘business person’ like yourself who gets lucky and doesn’t default, there are 9 who fail. Of course, the runners of ‘successful’ businesses always give all the credit to themselves and none of it to luck which likely played a large part in your ‘success’. [/quote]
You dodged my question – have you ever run your own business? I’m just curious if you’ve actually engaged in any of these things you talk about.
And yes, if I defaulted the bank would have gotten their money back because the loan was backed by my personal assets.
From my personal experiences, in both successes and failures. I would say it’s about 110% luck, and 90% hard work. And yes I know the math doesn’t compute.
You either need to get incredibly lucky, or you need to work incredibly hard AND get incredibly lucky in my opinion.
Again, you paint with broad strokes and it greatly diminishes the viewpoints you are trying to convey.