[quote=ibjames]In the higher levels of IT you have to know a lot about how things collaborate, hardware proficiencies, how software interacts with that hardware, how software interacts with each other. How machines/services interact with each other, data transfer methods etc. We also use tools, yes, not physical scopes and meters, but with other types of performance and data gathering tools.[/quote]
You have lots of “this interacts with this” but to to my earlier point of networking – you have to know how people interact, too. That is what 90% of all engineers/techies I meet are lacking.
Who’s an engineer? Anyone who gets paid to engineer things, IMHO. My education is top-notch, but I also believe the school of hard knocks is valid in some cases. I also know lots of degreed engineers that can’t engineer their way out of an open patio so I put little faith in that.
How do you really know who is a good engineer – by asking their boss and co-workers. I put faith in people who are recommended by other good people – back to my very original point.
sdr – don’t piss us off or we’ll infect your PC with virus that sells your listings below market value!