I’m impressed. Here I thought I was stepping up in the world because I bought a bunch of Christmas Ale type 6-packs which at around 12.00 I felt was high end. For a kid who still remembers when quantity of drink was much more important than quality something happened about 2 years ago to make this recent 40 year old a beer snob.
Typically I like an occasional glass of red wine (white’s good too) but I sometimes get heartburn. I’ve noticed my wife picking up some bottles recently (at least more often) so maybe I can make a little date for us down in East County (what I jokingly call the eastern part of Encinitas). sdrealtor if you see a really handsome, tall 40 year old it’s probably me. Actually I was handsome about 80 lbs. ago, not so much these days…Oh and a little over 6’0 is not that tall, but hey as long as I’m projecting.
Also I’ve had Two-buck Chuck, and it really isn’t that bad. I will also recommend to mi espousa the menage option.