Gold and silver are being manipulated by central banks on a massive scale. I’ve been hearing about metals shortages for months now, but I experienced it first-hand today. I called my broker to buy 10K in silver, and he told me that as of two (2) days ago, a restriction was instituted by Fidelitrade that limits purchase of silver to 500 ounces per account.
No exceptions!
The U.S. mint has stopped selling almost all of its gold products, including gold Eagles.
At the end of the day, the laws of supply and demand will prevail.
You simply cannot long suppress the price of something that is clearly in short supply. The smoke eventually clears, and the mirrors one day break.
Metals are the only honest money left. The paper will go up in flames. I only keep enough in dollars to tide me over until people realize they are worthless. Then everyone will turn to gold and silver — and food, liquor and cigarettes.