The original BK reform bill did indeed exempt credit card debts from being disharged in Ch. 7 BK. The final bill that was passed does not NOT exempt credit card debt from disharge.
In general, all unsecured debts may be discharged in a Ch. 7 BK proceeding except for certain public obligations such as taxes, judgements, and child support, etc.. Secured debts (like car loans) are usually dealt with by liquidating the asset and then the remaining balance due (if any) is discharged as an unsecured debt.
I am no attorney and so don’t base ANY decisions on the above statements. But I stayed at a really great hotel last night… (couldn’t help making a funny…). No, I was just curious about the actual changes to the BK laws and browsed through a “Dummies Book” for the new laws. Easy for anyone to verify via google or at a site like this: