Brutus–Another bravo! Tears ran down my cheeks. That was great.
dharmagirl–I agree with you about women’s restrooms. Another like-minded gripe: Women who don’t observe the International Rules For Women’s Restroom Line Etiquette. I have found, while traveling in Europe, that women of a certain nationality will barge right past the line. I saw one incident where four women had to be pulled apart before fisticuffs ensued over such a breach.
fat_lazy–re: “Big” people in coach seats. I had to do some research about NAAFA (National Association for the Acceptance of Fat Americans, I think). On their site, they advise members to pull up the armrest and say to their seatmate: “I’m sure we’ll both be more comfortable this way.” My answer if this happens to me will be “I WON’T be more comfortable.” And back down it goes (if possible).