Sorry if my characterization of you was off. It’s just that I’ve heard this kind of talk from some people that I know and it is exactly as I characterized it.
In your case, your frustration stems not as much from the fact that your friend’s views differ from you politically as much as it does from the fact that your friend is truly clueless about the political process and/or current events in our country/the world.
On this matter, I agree–and it’s not a partisan thing (trust me, I know just as many clueless conservatives as clueless liberals). What’s scary is if you’ve ever heard any of the ‘man on the street’ segments, like the one that they do on AM 600; they call it ‘arrested intelligence’ and it’s exactly that. It’s scary that the people interviewed on these shows actually vote (for either party). This problem is actually pretty severe in the 16-25 year olds of today, whereas 20 years ago when I was in college, kids seemed to be quite a bit more engaged in politics and current events.