"It seems that you love the house so much & you don’t care about losing money as long as you get to live near your brother. In this case, you should make it easy on everyone (including the lender & yourself) by offering $350k. After all, it’s only money, right ? :-)"
Submitted by gn on March 14, 2008 – 3:50pm.
Why stop at 350k? Why don’t I just offer the bank a million bucks, a hand job and my first born child!
Oh, I know why! Because the bank would have the house appraised and even if I threw in the handjob and the baby I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t consider the value worth 350k let alone a million!
(The hand job, maybe, but certainly not the house. LOL.)
Since I’m sooo interested in making it easy on everyone, I’ll go ahead and offer 350k for a 290k house!
Then when they come back with a no, I’ll shower them with the same words of wisdom you graced me with and reply to them, “After all, it’s only money right?”
I was kidding about the handjob! The only guy I’m jacking off for a house is the one who put the ring on my finger! LOL!