I think that you will find that those who cheerlead and wish for a recession have never really been well…
Most people in the country do not even know the real meaning of the word. Those who want it bad most likely have never had to deal extremely bad financial situations. If they had to live (really) poor for even a few weeks they would never cheer or wish that on others. People who have been poor have empathy for those who are now poor. It is a hopeless feeling that I wish no one had to experience. that is why I don’t cheer for a downturn, even while realizing that one is coming.
Don’t belive me. You think that you know what poor is. Well take some of your well off money and take a trip abroad to some 3rd world nations.
For those of you who think poor is eating top ramon and cold cuts, I would tell you that they are plenty that would gladly beat you black and blue for the chance to eat it. Most of us wearing cloths right now more expensive than the monthly food bill of entire families. We talk about million dollar homes here….
I think thats the deal. Be carefull what you wish for, because most of us don’t really know what poor means. Those who do are scared and we should all take note of that.