The analyst quoted, Meredith Whitney, has a terrific record for being super pessimistic, and super correct. She is now, finally, being taken seriously.
The analyst quoted, Meredith Whitney, has a terrific record for being super pessimistic, and super correct. She is now, finally, being taken seriously.
The analyst quoted, Meredith Whitney, has a terrific record for being super pessimistic, and super correct. She is now, finally, being taken seriously.
The analyst quoted, Meredith Whitney, has a terrific record for being super pessimistic, and super correct. She is now, finally, being taken seriously.
The analyst quoted, Meredith Whitney, has a terrific record for being super pessimistic, and super correct. She is now, finally, being taken seriously.
She’s got a better head than most.
Any bank that thinks they can hold on to their REOs for even a few years and resell at 2006 levels has their head somewhere else.
She’s got a better head than most.
Any bank that thinks they can hold on to their REOs for even a few years and resell at 2006 levels has their head somewhere else.
She’s got a better head than most.
Any bank that thinks they can hold on to their REOs for even a few years and resell at 2006 levels has their head somewhere else.
She’s got a better head than most.
Any bank that thinks they can hold on to their REOs for even a few years and resell at 2006 levels has their head somewhere else.
She’s got a better head than most.
Any bank that thinks they can hold on to their REOs for even a few years and resell at 2006 levels has their head somewhere else.
California has two parts – Inland Empire, Central Valley that has collapsed.
The coastal California – LA, SD, SF has not declined too much.
California has two parts – Inland Empire, Central Valley that has collapsed.
The coastal California – LA, SD, SF has not declined too much.
California has two parts – Inland Empire, Central Valley that has collapsed.
The coastal California – LA, SD, SF has not declined too much.
California has two parts – Inland Empire, Central Valley that has collapsed.
The coastal California – LA, SD, SF has not declined too much.