I have been studying the attention main-stream media has been putting on reporting on the housing crunch versus blogs and specialty news outlets for the last four years and I think we have turned the corner.
In the last four years, MSNBC.com has only used the size font they used today to headline their main story (foreclosure rate increase…currently top story) once, and that was announcing Tim Russert’s untimely demise.
While there are now regions of the country that are reporting increases in median home sale prices due to the spring bounce, and some areas in bubble markets have come down considerably (30-40%) since their peak, the mortgage crisis is really coming into its own and MSM reporting on it is painting with broad brush strokes, and providing sweeping generalizations that make one feel the entire country is feeling this pain. I tend to think it is much more compartmentalized in the bubble markets, which unfortunately are large population centers with enormous cost of living disparities from the rest of the country.