I’ve noticed that used car lots are full of high-end cars vs. a few years ago, and I would expect prices to fall further as people who can’t afford those cars start returning them, credit dries up, etc.
As for a new car purchase or lease, I would let someone else take the bulk of the depreciation (i.e. buy a used car that is at least a few years old). I’ve never leased a car, but I’m pretty sure the dealership will structure it so you pay all the depreciation (and then some).
It sounds like you are well ahead of the game w/ 100k saved at 24 years old. Why not focus on adding to that and growing it, while keeping your current (paid) car?
With that said, when I was in my twenties I purchased a Porsche, and later on an M3 (both slightly used of course), which weren’t the best financial decisions in hindsight, but boy did I have a good time… You have to balance life now with fiscal responsibility.
It appears that you want something speedy, so I’d recommend buying a luxury/sports car that is older (late 90’s) from an original or 2nd owner, who is older (well maintained & not abused). You could pickup a nice BMW or some such for ~12k. In fact, you could drive it for a two years, throw it away, and buy another and do the same thing and end up the same financially as leasing the new car…