If all the agencies that RP says should be disbanded are disbanded withing a day, the country will descend into chaos. But they will not be. The president cannot do that by himself, even if he wanted to. What he CAN do is, gradually scale down unnecessary spending, stimulate slow shifts in psychology, start bringing troops home. He can veto porked-up bills and prevent additional debt. That’s a process, it will take time. Sure, there will be market shocks. But that has nothing to do with who the next president is going to be. We are deep in debt, and continuing the same way is only going to make things worse. If you are an individual who overspends, you can hope for a government bailout or in the worst case file a bankruptcy. If you’re a government, bankruptcy is not really an option, so soon or late you will HAVE TO pay back. And the later you start that, the worse it’s going to be.