Sorry, not buying it. None of these things are “priced in” to the housing market because as recent history has made extremely clear, price is the most lagging indicator when it comes to housing. The “technicals” (months of supply, NODs, volume, etc) have continued to get worse, and the prices have continued to follow the technicals down months later.
Also, homes are still quite overpriced based on their historical valuations and income earning potential, so trying to make it sound like they are some sort of screaming bargain doesn’t hold up.
Finally, your posting via multiple logins is a transparent attempt to make it seem like your ideas, such as they are, have widespread support. If the ideas are so great why do you need to resort to such tactics?
Sorry to feed the trolls, everyone, but I just can’t believe these guy/gal went through the trouble to snoop on me instead of researching the most rudimentary facts about the market itself. I couldn’t help myself!