FLUW, the key is to work smarter, not harder. If a young, go-getter comes into your group you just have to find a way to get credit for his or her work. Have the politically clueless, but hard-working whippersnapper do all the grunt work while you present the finished product or proposal to upper management. This is what all good managers do.
You just have to learn to play the political game. It’s not about how productive you are, it’s about how productive upper management thinks you are. 😉
The company that doesn’t see through this bureaucratic shenanigan won’t be able to hold onto their top productive employees for very long. The people in my generation have no qualm in leaving for greener pasture at the first sight of middle management BS. We might be idealistic but we can see right through the BS. If middle management want to play those kind of bureaucratic shenanigans, you’ll see us go right across the street to your competitors. If you take a look at Google, most projects are led by people under 30 and sometimes, under 25.