Don’t look now, but Google’s stock has been crashing. 🙂
It doesn’t matter though. Good middle managers don’t want Top Guns who could work for Google. We want socially-awkward grunts who are good at their jobs but not so good at politics. Good middle managers know how to play on the insecurities and inexperience of their grunts to get them to work harder.
And good luck getting another job in this environment. Do you really think you are that valuable? In this market, there are 10 college grads with high GPAs and no experience in playing the political game who are chomping at the bit to take your place. They’ll come in knowing the latest technology and they’ll work cheaper.
Just continue to do as your told and make sure you make your manager look good. Otherwise … you might be forced to take your (possibly self-overrated) talents to another company. 🙂
Sorry to burst your bubble but I’d leave long before any middle manager would even think of doing such a thing. Luckily, I’m working for a company that’s flat, transparent, and have no middle manager.
FYI, this might be informational to you. Playing/recognizing politics shenanigans is hardly rocket science.