sp-, look to America before The New Deal. Did you ever read de Tocqueville? Fascinating.
America before The New Deal was a land of low taxes. The Feds did not pay for an NIH, Social Security/Medicare, NCLB, etc. Largely, the Feds paid for a small defense force which shrunk in peacetime.
Unbelievable but true: in ’29, the Feds spent $0.9B on defense and $0.8B on everything else (2% of GDP); state and local governments spent $7.6B (7% of GDP) (GDP was $104B).
Today, Feds spend 7% of GDP (3X) and state and local governments spend 12% of GDP (2X).
With the money not paid in taxes to the Feds or state, you could move to a community that fitted your morals (if you have any — ha, ha) and mores, and support it with your contributions.
It need not be Christian nor even religious. Our Constitution provides for, and protects, both.
Kind of funny, that there’s a nudist colony in East County, founded in the ’20s, where families lived. That’s America of the old days; live and let live. Sure, you have to put up with protest signs from Temperance Union and Pro-Life folks. Big deal.
That’s what we’ll return to after government spending collapses during the upcoming depression.