Sorry you feel that way but I am neither dishonest nor a salesman around here. I tend to be bearish but I constantly challenge my beliefs. I provoke people to question their assumptions and look for answers. The beauty of the web is that we can challenge each others viewpoints without ending up in each others face. I never take anything personally around here and hope no one does either though i suspect some do. To me it is a wonderful outlet for learning and a virtual version of Trump’s Boardroom entertainmentwise.
SD Realtor has never stated his reasons for being here and I suspect they are different than mine. At first it annoyed me that he was prospecting but it doesnt bother me anymore. The truth is he is a far more agressive prospector than myself and I think thats great. He’s trying to support his family and get somewhere in life. I hope he succeeds because he seem’s to be a real good guy.