Rustico, you are absoultely right, are not being rude, and thank you for your candor. I am not perfect, but am perfectly capable of making stupid decisions on purpose. I was just being honest about that one knowing one of you might see the inconsistancy with my “official strategy.”
I also suspect I am bipolar. I have a very logical side, but also a very emotional one. Hence my need for rules and lists and lots of sampling before I bite. It dunt always work.
That house tugged on my emotional side. My budget kept me from getting into trouble. To be fair, I think the house was fairly priced in this market, on its low end anyway, well almost fairly anyway.
I do promise to post my ultimate decision when the time comes (well into next year I suspect), whether a good choice or a bad one. I am not afraid of mockery. It ensures I don’t get remotely full of myself.