Rustico, so when we leave Iraq, do you think they will stop ?
Below is a list of Sunni terrorist groups and their stated goals. Most are aimed at creating an Islamist state in (insert country name here) and/or the destruction of Israel. I think that the statements by Mr. Butt are along the same lines.
Among the current identified countries that terrorists want to convert to Islamic States are: Phillippines, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, India, Algeria, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Israel, Yemen.
There are likely others. Once they control these countries, do you think there might be other terrorist groups that rise up to control some other regions ?
* (ASG): Separatist. Aims for the establishment of an Islamic state in the Southern Philippines.
* Al-Gama’at al-Islamiya (GI): The violent overthrow of the Egyptian Government and establishment of an Islamic state and the removal of Western influence from the Arab world.
* Al-Jihad: Aims for violent overthrow of the Egyptian government and the establishment of an Islamic state in Egypt, destruction of U.S. and Israeli interests.
* Al-Qaeda: Led by Osama bin Laden, its aims are the expulsion of Western forces from Saudi Arabia, overthrow of the House of Saud, and the destruction of Israel and governments that support Israeli foreign policy.
* Al-Qaeda in Iraq: Aims to create a Sunni Islamic state in Iraq.
* Ansar al-Islam(AI): Aims to create an Islamic state in Iraq; alleged link with Al-Qaeda.
* Armed Islamic Group (Groupe Islamique Armée) (GIA): The aim of the GIA is the violent overthrow of the Algerian government and the creation an Islamic state in Algeria.
* Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ): The aim of the EIJ is to
overthrow the Egyptian Government and replace it with an Islamic state, global Jihad against non-Muslims societies.
* Front Pembela Islam (FPI): An anarchic terrorist group growing in some parts of Indonesia. They have a primary agenda to force the government to implement the Islamic laws within the country.
* Hamas: Islamic organization based in Gaza City with the aim of the destruction of Israel and the creation of an Islamic state in its place. Considered to be terrorist by Israel, the United States and the EU.
* Islamic Army of Aden (IAA): The IAA’s aim is to overthrow the Yemeni government and resist U.S. interests in the region.
* Islamic Jihad
* Jaish e Mohammed (JeM): JeM seeks separation of Kashmir from Indian control.
* Jeemah Islamiyah (JI): JI’s aim is the creation of a unified Islamic state in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Southern Philippines.
* Lashkar e Tayyaba (LeT): LeT seeks an independent Kashmir and reestablishment of Islamic rule over India.
* Jaish e Mohammed (JeM): JeM seeks separation of Kashmir from Indian control.
* Moro Islamic Liberation Front: Aims to create Islamic state in Mindanao, Philippines.
* Palestinian Army of Islam or Jaysh al Islam
* Salafist Group for Call and Combat (Groupe Salafiste pour la Predication et le Combat) (GSPC): Its aim is to create an Islamic state in Algeria.