Prices are nowhere near the bottom yet in Temecula.
There was a poster on here several days ago who had posted last year that he was being pressured by his wife to buy in Temecula. Many (and I mean, MANY) of us told him NOT to do it. He bought and now, he and his wife are living in 1900 sq ft and a he can buy a 3200 sq ft home for less money. Do you want to wind up like them?
See the thread:
Wait until next January and see where the prices are and how things are trending before you throw your money down the toilet and are stuck with a depreciating asset. I’m in the camp that believes the bottom won’t really hit until around 2012 but even if I’m wrong and it comes earlier to Temecula, prices are definitely NOT going to shoot back up overnight, nor will there be a lack of inventory to choose from for years. Time is on the side of the buyers…….IN SPADES! Rent, relax and take your time to see where all of this is headed.