Don’t be so disingenuous as to suggest that we invade Saudi Arabia or the Darfur region when you can’t quite stomach the Iraq invasion. Did we find the much vaunted WMD ‘smoking gun’? No. But we definitely found a burgeoning WMD program in the country after Saddam’s fall. Those “pesticides” we found buried in camoflagued bunkers were no less than the chemical precursors to an inumerable number of nerve agents. Ask yourself why Saddam and his henchmen found it necessary to conceal thousands of gallons of “pesticides” and other nerve agent precursors (let’s not forget the tons of castor beans, the primary ingredient for ricin) unless he was fighting a Jihad against mosquitos?
This war has been fought since the ongoing enforcement of the no fly zone. Had we not invaded Iraq we’d still be enforcing the same no fly zones. Kurdistan presents an amazingly hopeful developing economy and, following the deaths of Zarqawi and his ilk, the rest of the country may very well follow suit.
It took the British the better part of three centuries to turn the Indians around, be prepared to expect the same of the US’s current endeavors abroad. Our very survival depends on it.