Just off the top of my head, isn’t most of the natural gas America uses produced in America? If we’re not dependent on foreign sources, then the price of natural gas shouldn’t fluctuate (mostly fluctuate upwards these days) like crude oil does on essentially political events, such as US rattles nuclear sabers followed by Iran rattling oil supply sabers.
Also, again off the top of my head, it seems that the usage of natural gas should be more or less constant. There will be a set number of homes each using about the same amount natural gas that they did the month and year before. The number of homes probably rises each month as new homes are built, however, the amount of natural gas each uses will be fairly predictable. Whereas, the usage of gasoline is primarily in cars, with each driver making daily decisons on how much to drive, and whether to park the Hummer and buy a hybrid based on the costs per gallon.