"JES, I don't think that enlisting makes someone a hero by default. It's a job like anything else. Military personel don't have to join. Military is just just the best job for the best pay for those who serve."
Now my hackles are up! I think signing up for any job that has the great potential to put your life on the line when duty calls, does make you a hero by default! If that doesn't then what in the world does?
The fact that they don't have to join, also makes them more of a hero, than if they were drafted and had no choice. Anyone who signs up knows that they can be called to duty to protect you, me, and anyone else, and knows that they have to go no questions asked because that is what they have sworn to do, is very much a hero in my mind.
Have you looked at the salary of an enlisted person? They aren't getting rich doing it.
Now I fell better! And thanks to all of our under paid heros out there, you are much appreciated in my mind!!!