i dont understand how securitization of loans was a socialist experiment.
It wasn’t. Like you said, securitization of mortgage debt and the fraudulent rating thereof was unregulated capitalism. The socialism will come in the endgame, when unregulated capitalism produces the predictable disastrous outcome — in this case a massive wave of foreclosures. The government will either print money to deflate the value of these debts as well as their own (stealing the savings from those who have it, a “stealth” tax as it were), or by simply purchasing the bad loans and then renegotiating the terms with the borrowers to allow them to stay in their houses. There are tons of plans floating around now, but all of them will involve a transfer of wealth from those who have it to those who don’t.
A similar thing happened under FDR in the 1930s after another disastrous episode of unregulated capitalism run amok. The answer then was massive public works projects, social security, etc…
Long story short, if you don’t like socialism then make sure your capitalist system is well-regulated. Otherwise, that’s exactly what you’re going to end up with when the wheels come off the ponzi scheme and the unwashed masses demand reparations. In the 1920s it was stocks, this time it was houses.