I am new to this forum, so I will admit right off that I am no expert. However, I have been lurking for several months, and as my husband and I have been considering settling in Temecula, I have read many of the posts about this area.
My two cents on your situation 23109VC is this: If you continue to read real estate forums and post about your situation, there must have been SOME part of you that didn’t feel good about your house purchase last year. If so, then why did you buy in the first place? You clearly pained over your situation, and then did what you believed to be right for you and your family. You also claim that you are not emotionally attached to your house, but clearly you are emotionally attached to the situation. So now that you have done what you did, why not live in your house, ignore real estate prices, stay away from the forums, and live your life? From your own statements, you make enough money to be able to afford what you paid for it. Enjoy your house, enjoy your family, and move on. I guess if you can’t, then you’ll do whatever you feel you have to. But make no mistake, it IS an emotional choice, and not merely a financial one. I do applaud you for being honest about it, because it gives insight into the mindset of many in your situation.
My fear that I could not “let go” of doing real estate research and quit tracking the market is why I can not and will not buy right now. Until I can buy a house and be confident that I won’t have to obsessively track the market, I will not buy. We sold our house elsewhere in CA in 2007, and it took eleven months and many price drops to do so. I am not anxious to jump in again anytime soon.
And an aside to temeculaguy. . .there are many witty folks on this site, but you never fail to make me giggle, and I frequently read some of your posts out loud to my husband. I am not applying to be your stalker, but just wanted to give you a hiya and some thanks for injecting regular humor into this subject.