I am a civil servant, federal employee with the Navy. Almost 13 years. I have seen some horrid government employees, and some very good ones.
What has been happenning over time, is the government is “outsourcing” the government employees. They become federal contractors. Now, this is a real racket folks. The company that “wins” the bid (usually a prior high ranking military officer) gets to line his pockets with gold—yes, your taxpayer dollars.
The quality of workers that he hires are suspect, and OVERALL quality is bad. These are workers that will accept very low wage, poor benefits, and/or have been unsuccessful in the field. I can guarantee that most of them are losers, and turnover is high. Heh, we had one lady under a different contract some years ago, get fired, and a few years later, get hired by different contractor in a management position. She was really nutty and a year later finally got fired again. Without seniority, comes lack of knowledge and skill, and this is gained with government employees who do not change jobs as frequently.
Now, that is if you can fill the positions. We have some contract positions that are 10 months vacant. The contractor does some special manipulation here….requires extensive degree, license, etc, but pays very low. So, the positions stay open, and guess what? Mr. Contractor can spend 10 months NOT paying an employee and put more money in his pocket!
Please don’t be fooled that getting rid of government employees means that your taxdollars will go somewhere else. All it means is that those workers are NOT on the government role, but they are being contracted, so YOU are paying.