Generally, I’d consider it in this order: NW, SW, NE, SE. The dividing line is Camino Ruiz and Mira Mesa Blvd. To break it up even more the best would be 1st = North of Calle Cristobal and west of Camino Ruiz. 2nd would be North of Mira Mesa and east of Black mountain (newer houses, built after 1995). 3rd = Summerset Village (north of Mira Mesa and on the west end, next to Camino Santa Fe). 4th would be the area of the house in the OP. 4th would be South west edge of Mira Mesa South of Flander and between Camino Santa Fe & Dancy Road. The rest of older Mira Mesa basically follow the general division I state above. That’s how I’d rate them.