The list of countries in possesion of them that can be characterized as run by fanatical governments is certainly longer than 2… and also very subjective. I am certain that Bush’s religious leanings (and words) could be characterized by some as fanatical. Why do we get to decide who has nukes and who doesnt?
It is precisely this mind-set that pisses off the rest of the world… and having lived abroad for extended periods – i can tell you that pissed off they are. They are pissed in South America, in Japan, in England, etc etc. We are not doing any good over in Iraq. Killing is worse, quality of life is much worse, – instead we let tens of thousands of our military personnel get maimed and killed. FOR WHAT? Show me one thing that was worth all this?
Getting rid of Saddam alone was not worth this.
We have increased instability in the region, not stability.
We’ve spent so much money it is just mind-boggling. I read that the debt during this presidency has surpassed the debt of ALL past presidencies COMBINED. Show me what we got for it!
The 9/11 plan was to destroy us financially as well as killing several hundred people (they got lucky and killed more). Destroying us financially they are succeeding at. Scramble as we may, the national debt is coming due eventually. Not worth it…