Bankruptcy people. You can get a new car after bankruptcy the day after it is dismissed you want to know why because it is like you have no credit obligations I had to file last year because I used credit card money to finance the stock market boom in 1999. This was a disaster I lost all of my money .i see the housing market the same way it like they say people are like herds of cattle. Buy because you can be rich. I only had 30000 dollars in debt I stopped paying my cc bills in 2000. five years after a collection agent came after me even after I sent them a cease and deist letter I got a letter to go down to the Chula vista sheriff department. I was debating about going into bankruptcy ,after hearing the laws were going to change and a court hearing by the collection agent to have my wages garnished. I said the hell with this file. Oh even though I owed all that money in 2004 .I was allowed to have credit again I had about 4000 worth of debit in cc bill’s then I researched bankruptcy and found out all my cc debit can be erased.. I felt bad about the newer cc I had. but I had said to my self they can write it off. Any way rent before you file so your credit doesn’t look to bad. I see a prospective land lord having a renter that has filed bankruptcy and that has a stabile job like working for the govt or state. Cause you can’t file again for a seven years.Bottom line bankrupsy is not as bad as you think. Even though I haven’t checked out the new laws its better than somebody garnishing your wages.
Powayseller you have good posts ( a little long though) but very very good!!!