23109VC: I also took advice from professionals, brokers, realtors, friends, people who are in positions to make an educated decision.
VC, these “professionals” were not your friend. These people wanted to get paid . End of story. They knew that if you waited just a little longer, you could get a much better deal. They just neglected to tell you that. I’m not trying to be cruel, but next time think for yourself so you will be less likely to be taken advantage of. You had the same data available to you that all of us do.
To those complaining about the crime: there isn’t a lot of crime in Temecula. I moved here from LA county so I should know. If the Temecula police worked in LA County, they would be scared out of their mind-which is why they don’t work there. I’ve never had any problems here and I sincerely believe it’s a nice, safe place to raise children.