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Author: Nancy_s soothsayer
Posts by Nancy_s soothsayer
Forum Activity by Nancy_s soothsayer
- @joec: Yep, there was 3.6
- Places that shouldn’t have
- Thank you bearishgurl.
If you
- Thank you bearishgurl.
If you
- Thank you bearishgurl.
If you
- Thank you bearishgurl.
If you
- Thank you bearishgurl.
If you
- SWEET! Congratulations.
- SWEET! Congratulations.
- SWEET! Congratulations.
- SWEET! Congratulations.
- SWEET! Congratulations.
- Economic collapse in 2011 —
- Economic collapse in 2011 —
- Economic collapse in 2011 —
- Economic collapse in 2011 —
- Economic collapse in 2011 —
- It is only 1b/1b. It must be
- It is only 1b/1b. It must be
- It is only 1b/1b. It must be
- It is only 1b/1b. It must be
- It is only 1b/1b. It must be
- If I were your husband, I
- If I were your husband, I
- If I were your husband, I
- If I were your husband, I
- If I were your husband, I
- Oh, in addition to above,
- Oh, in addition to above,
- Oh, in addition to above,
- Oh, in addition to above,
- Oh, in addition to above,
- Bill Gross dumps his
- Bill Gross dumps his
- Bill Gross dumps his
- Bill Gross dumps his
- Bill Gross dumps his
- After I posted comment above,
- After I posted comment above,
- After I posted comment above,
- After I posted comment above,
- After I posted comment above,
- Yes, I was speaking in
- Yes, I was speaking in
- Yes, I was speaking in
- Yes, I was speaking in
- Yes, I was speaking in
- For a long while, I have not
- For a long while, I have not
- For a long while, I have not
- For a long while, I have not
- For a long while, I have not
- The apathy of the masses
- The apathy of the masses
- The apathy of the masses
- The apathy of the masses
- The apathy of the masses
- This topic I like much!
- This topic I like much!
- This topic I like much!
- This topic I like much!
- This topic I like much!
- I was very sure of the
- I was very sure of the
- I was very sure of the
- I was very sure of the
- I was very sure of the
- I agree with Mr. capeman.
- I agree with Mr. capeman.
- I agree with Mr. capeman.
- I agree with Mr. capeman.
- I agree with Mr. capeman.
- I know two households in San
- I know two households in San
- I know two households in San
- I know two households in San
- I know two households in San
- Similar houses like that in
- Similar houses like that in
- Similar houses like that in
- Similar houses like that in
- Similar houses like that in
- Collectively, we should all
- Collectively, we should all
- Collectively, we should all
- Collectively, we should all
- Collectively, we should all
- Given the current trend when
- Given the current trend when
- Given the current trend when
- Given the current trend when
- Given the current trend when
- Many high-end buyers with
- Many high-end buyers with
- Many high-end buyers with
- Many high-end buyers with
- Many high-end buyers with
- “I have said over and over
- “I have said over and over
- “I have said over and over
- SD Realtor,
The Cure I
- SD Realtor,
The Cure I
- SD Realtor,
The Cure I
- Our three rich uncles (known
- Our three rich uncles (known
- Our three rich uncles (known
- DISEASE: Suckerities
- DISEASE: Suckerities
- DISEASE: Suckerities
- The focus of this thread is
- The focus of this thread is
- The focus of this thread is
- Both my crystal ball and
- Both my crystal ball and
- Both my crystal ball and
- “Uh, yes but it’s
- “Uh, yes but it’s
- “Uh, yes but it’s
- Could there be a children’s
- Could there be a children’s
- Could there be a children’s
- I wish Karl Rove moves from
- I wish Karl Rove moves from
- I wish Karl Rove moves from
- An all brick-sided,
- An all brick-sided,
- An all brick-sided,
- Poor Mr. Countrywide-CEO
- Poor Mr. Countrywide-CEO
- Poor Mr. Countrywide-CEO
- Without delving into severe
- Without delving into severe
- Without delving into severe
- Thank you, SDowner.
- Thank you, SDowner.
- Thank you, SDowner.
- Yes, Perry, in my household
- Yes, Perry, in my household
- Yes, Perry, in my household
- “(Remember that most of the
- “(Remember that most of the
- “(Remember that most of the
- Bugs, thank you, as always.
- Bugs, thank you, as always.
- Bugs, thank you, as always.
- “When people were buying in
- “When people were buying in
- “When people were buying in
- Iniles, thanks for the NCUA
- Iniles, thanks for the NCUA
- Iniles, thanks for the NCUA
- It’s highly probable that
- It’s highly probable that
- It’s highly probable that
- Very nice, rocket science.
- Very nice, rocket science.
- Very nice, rocket science.
- So true. Nobody likes
- So true. Nobody likes
- So true. Nobody likes
- In my crystal ball, several
- In my crystal ball, several
- Some of the genius
- Some of the genius
- Let me put another
- Let me put another
- Those creative financing
- Those creative financing
- Sheesh, we keep on harping
- Sheesh, we keep on harping
- Any extra money that the CA
- Any extra money that the CA
- Answer: Lots of Jesus’s
- Answer: Lots of Jesus’s
- If I remember correctly,
- If I remember correctly,
- The employees and managers
- The employees and managers
- LMAO. Yes, they are running
- LMAO. Yes, they are running
- With my suspicious mind, I
- With my suspicious mind, I
- Funny, I just finished my
- Funny, I just finished my
- Based on the reset chart,
- Based on the reset chart,
- “Even if salaries stay flat,
- “Even if salaries stay flat,
- Looking at the ARM-reset
- Looking at the ARM-reset
- Maybe because almost every
- Maybe because almost every
- Yes, yes… The
- Yes, yes… The
- Tsk, tsk, CMcG – do you
- Tsk, tsk, CMcG – do you
- I apologize for the
- I apologize for the
- By gullible-gosh, there goes
- By gullible-gosh, there goes
- The “loan modification” game
- The “loan modification” game
- We’ve only started
- We’ve only started
- Hype, it is good that the
- Hype, it is good that the
- Thank you, doctor. How
- Thank you, doctor. How
- If there are way too many
- If there are way too many
- You sir got suckered by the
- You sir got suckered by the
- Surveyor,
Whether your
- Surveyor,
Whether your
- “…did you notice how well
- “…did you notice how well
- CbC,
I see a point where the
- CbC,
I see a point where the
- “…you libs have harsh
- “…you libs have harsh
- Excellent points,
- Excellent points,
- “We are paying a hefty sum
- “We are paying a hefty sum
- According to the recent
- According to the recent
- Ummm… yeah, Perry, honey,
- Ummm… yeah, Perry, honey,
- The impression of “FUTURE
- The impression of “FUTURE
- Before, Amaranth. Now,
- Before, Amaranth. Now,
- Dude, If the parcel number
- Dude, If the parcel number
- Here’s my other take: Those
- Here’s my other take: Those
- Survival Rule #1: Don’t
- Survival Rule #1: Don’t
- As an insomniac, I often
- As an insomniac, I often
- The pummelling of the
- The pummelling of the
- By your handle or name, I am
- By your handle or name, I am
- Fatso, you got the wrong
- Fatso, you got the wrong
- When I started buying prime
- When I started buying prime
- The thread was prefaced with
- The thread was prefaced with
- The nasty trend becomes
- The nasty trend becomes
- Kibu, dude, buying a house
- Kibu, dude, buying a house
- What if you have
- What if you have
- Sheesh! That’s nothing. In
- I know where your local
- Everybody, listen! I am the
- I was tickled to see in the
- I could add some more
- People in San Diego seem to
- IrvineRenter,
- IMHO, because Powayseller is
- The San Diego Daily
- Dear Piggingtonians,
- Wow! The chart is a
- In San Diego, before April
- sdrealtor, you and me are
- My bout with tonight’s
- Bobby D — Thank you so
- jztz, I have the same
- Cut to the chase ->> County
- Totally agree with jg. Who
- Based on my experience,
- This is what we have done:
- The pendings won’t all
- I am guessing that the
- I just skipped over your
- gold_dredger_phd,
Two years
- With internet access, I
- Powayseller, my comment
- The next spring buying
- The Carlyle Group (sp?), a
- doublepost deleted
- I agree with brian_in_la.
- Word problems in Math deal
- I tend to believe that once
- lulu — Karma will get you.
- I read a blog somewhere
- Without being specific, I
- Amen to that sdrealtor! SD
- Maybe because Mish thinks
- cardifbb, I know the
- Meanwhile, back in Santee,
- Where are you, Powayseller?
- santeeman,
Except me,
- If the count of houses,
- Ha-ha. This town I
- Before the event, Jim the
- Porkman, full of lard,
- Guys, it is ONLY 2006.
- With my own observation of
- When the stock market is
- This soothsayer has insight,
- For three weeks in December
- Amazing. That is exactly
- I, for one, am very thankful
- I think FB means F@ck@d
- Thank you rseiser. That was
- The H1-B visa is just
- Bravo! Wow… I am awed,
- davelj–
ok..ok.. you win.
- What I got from davelj is
- If the gist of this thread
- I’m not one to brag –just
- PS – A suggestion: You can
- Powayseller, a personal
- SoCalARM,
Sell NOW. The
- Am addicted to this blog, as
- PS – I feel like I am in the
- Same story goes with Kyocera
- “If prices dropped